Movie Theaters | Century Plaza Cinemas

Cineplex Odeon
2040 Av of the Stars, Century City
Recording: 310-553-4291 / Voice: 310-553-4595
Theater Type: first run, multiplex (four screens)
Directions: SW corner Avenue of the Stars and Constellation (between Santa Monica Bl and Olympic) in ABC Television Center.
Parking Tips: Expensive at Century Plaza; zero nearby street parking. I can't officially recommend Parking at the mall and sneaking over... but I've never heard of anyone doing anything else.
Ticket Prices: $8 adults
4.75 before 5pm
rest of policy unknown
Theaters: 4 - at least two DTS systems.1 - THX 70 SR SRD
Comments: Theater one is very nice; it's large (600 plus?) and the sound is good. I haven't been in the medium one; the two smaller ones have a high angle to the seats and are very small.

OCK 9/21/96

I can remember a time when where we went to the movies was just as important as the movies we went to see .... From the moment moviegoers arrived to buy their tickets, there was a sense of something special, a feeling that to step inside was to enter another time and place. - Gene Kelly