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Fantasia 2000 21 Apr 00

Now that it's about to close I've seen it; fat lot of good this will do you. Frankly, I was mostly bored; the music was all nice, but little here was compelling enough to warrant twelve bucks at an Imax theater and having the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" from the original mostly just points out how disappointing the rest was. Sixty years for sixty minutes of new animation and this is what you get? An A- for the "Rhapsody in Blue" segment, an A+ for the all too short bit with the yo-yo obsessed flamingo. All the rest: C

I can remember a time when where we went to the movies was just as important as the movies we went to see .... From the moment moviegoers arrived to buy their tickets, there was a sense of something special, a feeling that to step inside was to enter another time and place. - Gene Kelly