Info Desk | About the Movietimes section
This information also applies to the same listings on the navigation column if you're using the frames version of Movieville.
- ** Always confirm times and dates; life is subject to change. **
** All times are PM unless marked otherwise. ** - Check the Movietimes section for information on movietimes for regular first run films. Several commercial companies handle that job well, so I don't even try. Instead, I list all the places where you can find movie times.
- Check the Revival & Repertory section for information on revival screenings. Please, always call to confirm; sometimes it turns out the one print they thought existed, doesn't. Since this is a hobby for me and I'm busy and you should call anyway, I generally don't list showtimes; I wouldn't even trust them if they're in the paper. Call.
- Check the Events section for information on Film Events. It is by no means complete and again, check the usual paper sources.
- I don't like legal notices but there's no warranty on all this stuff; always call and confirm if you can. We're not responsible for errors blah blah blah.
- Theater owners, managers, etc. - I'd love to have your listings for unusual screenings if you've got them in advance. Drop me a line (or email listings) at comment card at movieville com
- Suggestions for the Movietimes sections are welcome.